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Our grappa is incorporated, the honey at a controlled temperature so that it does not lose its properties; sugar, with a touch of caramel in a maceration process not less than a year.
It is not filtered, which gives it The concentration, color and taste that
distinguishes it. Its graduation is 38% alcohol by volume. It is a 100% natural product without preservatives or essences. Honey tends to precipitate in the bottle because of its density, it is recommended to shake well before consuming.


Product description:
Our grappa is incorporated, the honey at a controlled temperature so that it does not lose its properties; sugar, with a touch of caramel in a maceration process not less than a year.
It is not filtered, which gives it The concentration, color and taste that
distinguishes it. Its graduation is 38% alcohol by volume. It is a 100% natural product without preservatives or essences. Honey tends to precipitate in the bottle because of its density, it is recommended to shake well before consuming.

• Colorless bottle
Bordeaux type
750ml capacity.
• Colorless hip flask
200ml capacity.

La responsabilidad es uno de nuestros valores más importantes.


Beber con moderación.
Prohibida su venta a menores de 18 años